Increase number of decks , with PKM
Increase the # of DECKS a creator can create beyond 20, by holding, staking, or what have you, via the PKM token, increasing utility of DECKS and PKM
Eterna Almost 2 years ago
Increase number of decks , with PKM
Increase the # of DECKS a creator can create beyond 20, by holding, staking, or what have you, via the PKM token, increasing utility of DECKS and PKM
Eterna Almost 2 years ago
PKM airdrop multiplier for 1 BCX cards
The PKM airdrop multiplier is per transaction, so users who bulk-buy 1 BCX cards are at a disadvantage due to the limit of blockchain transactions (250 items). As such, I recommend for such transactions to be grouped and, for a set time, be considered as one transaction for the airdrop. e.g. all purchases for the last 10 minutes count as one transaction
kesonaichi Over 2 years ago
PKM airdrop multiplier for 1 BCX cards
The PKM airdrop multiplier is per transaction, so users who bulk-buy 1 BCX cards are at a disadvantage due to the limit of blockchain transactions (250 items). As such, I recommend for such transactions to be grouped and, for a set time, be considered as one transaction for the airdrop. e.g. all purchases for the last 10 minutes count as one transaction
kesonaichi Over 2 years ago
A filter to find cards than haven't been rented after 2+ days
In bulk view, filter only cards which are put out for rent and not rented after at least 2 days.
Adrian Over 2 years ago
A filter to find cards than haven't been rented after 2+ days
In bulk view, filter only cards which are put out for rent and not rented after at least 2 days.
Adrian Over 2 years ago
Set Nth Lowest Rental Price
I would LOVE a feature to help avoid the 'race to the bottom' on rental prices. Due to the "set lowest price" feature unless I'm actively viewing each card's market its easy to get caught if there is only 1 or 2 cards that are way under current market prices for that card. For example, if I have a card that I want to rent but out of the lowest available rentals right now the prices are 3.5, 45, 45.2, 45.3, 45.4, 45.5 then the default "load lowest price" feature will set my price to 3.45 or something when clearly there is only one card priced that low and the rest of the cards are going for 45ish. Unless I'm watching closely then I will miss this in the midst of all of the cards to manage. I suggest adding a feature to "Set 5th lowest price" or even just make it configurable (set Nth lowest price). So this way we can avoid mis-pricing the cards for current market conditions due to one or two fluky rentals that never got reset as market conditions change. Thanks
Wobs Over 2 years ago
Set Nth Lowest Rental Price
I would LOVE a feature to help avoid the 'race to the bottom' on rental prices. Due to the "set lowest price" feature unless I'm actively viewing each card's market its easy to get caught if there is only 1 or 2 cards that are way under current market prices for that card. For example, if I have a card that I want to rent but out of the lowest available rentals right now the prices are 3.5, 45, 45.2, 45.3, 45.4, 45.5 then the default "load lowest price" feature will set my price to 3.45 or something when clearly there is only one card priced that low and the rest of the cards are going for 45ish. Unless I'm watching closely then I will miss this in the midst of all of the cards to manage. I suggest adding a feature to "Set 5th lowest price" or even just make it configurable (set Nth lowest price). So this way we can avoid mis-pricing the cards for current market conditions due to one or two fluky rentals that never got reset as market conditions change. Thanks
Wobs Over 2 years ago
Option to automatically remove Auto Rental Bid once filled
Requested by hyde-20 on discord An option that removes the auto rental bid once it's filled. This is to help those who forget that they have bids save money.
Mozzie Over 2 years ago
Option to automatically remove Auto Rental Bid once filled
Requested by hyde-20 on discord An option that removes the auto rental bid once it's filled. This is to help those who forget that they have bids save money.
Mozzie Over 2 years ago
"Invert Selection" Switch
What would that do? When the switch is on, select ALL cards from your collection which DO NOT match the current filter.
Adrian Over 2 years ago
"Invert Selection" Switch
What would that do? When the switch is on, select ALL cards from your collection which DO NOT match the current filter.
Adrian Over 2 years ago
Filter/Sort Option - Group Cards by Name
In the buy section, under compare, I'd like to be able to group cards by name. When attempting to buy cards that I'm missing - one of the relevant pieces of information is if I already have the gold version or not. When I select "Exclude owned" or "Exclude playable" (because I delegate a lot of my cards to my accounts) - some cards show up in regular foil that I own in Gold - so it's not giving me the information I want which is "Am I able to play this card" By showing the regular, it looks like I can't play the card, yet I can, just in gold. In stead of trying to figure out how to prioritize that etc... the easiest way would be for me to be able to sort by the card name first, then by the price second (2 stage filtering) - so that cards of the same name show up. Or just an option to group cards by name. Then, if I see a regular card but don't see the gold when I select "Exclude playable" then I know I can play the gold version - but if I see both the Regular and the Gold, then I know I can't play it at all.
IVIaxPow3r Over 2 years ago
Filter/Sort Option - Group Cards by Name
In the buy section, under compare, I'd like to be able to group cards by name. When attempting to buy cards that I'm missing - one of the relevant pieces of information is if I already have the gold version or not. When I select "Exclude owned" or "Exclude playable" (because I delegate a lot of my cards to my accounts) - some cards show up in regular foil that I own in Gold - so it's not giving me the information I want which is "Am I able to play this card" By showing the regular, it looks like I can't play the card, yet I can, just in gold. In stead of trying to figure out how to prioritize that etc... the easiest way would be for me to be able to sort by the card name first, then by the price second (2 stage filtering) - so that cards of the same name show up. Or just an option to group cards by name. Then, if I see a regular card but don't see the gold when I select "Exclude playable" then I know I can play the gold version - but if I see both the Regular and the Gold, then I know I can't play it at all.
IVIaxPow3r Over 2 years ago
Selling: Option to Load Highest Bid Price as Listing Price
Feature to LOAD the highest bid price available for each card that is about to be listed for selling. This can help facilitate quickly selling of cards.
Mozzie Over 2 years ago
Selling: Option to Load Highest Bid Price as Listing Price
Feature to LOAD the highest bid price available for each card that is about to be listed for selling. This can help facilitate quickly selling of cards.
Mozzie Over 2 years ago
when renting, we check the stats of the hero on what level are their new skill is available and we have to click them every time. it would be better it stats would show up just by hovering on their respective stats.
Rest Lee Hernandez Over 2 years ago
when renting, we check the stats of the hero on what level are their new skill is available and we have to click them every time. it would be better it stats would show up just by hovering on their respective stats.
Rest Lee Hernandez Over 2 years ago
"add all to cart" button.
Instead of having to go through and click on hundreds of the cart button to rent the cards, which takes hours, its frustrating, and you have to keep doing it over and over since they don't even rent most of the time, just add an "add all to cart" button under the specific chosen filters. You could then rent what you need instantly, no hassle, no issues.
blue berrr Almost 3 years ago
"add all to cart" button.
Instead of having to go through and click on hundreds of the cart button to rent the cards, which takes hours, its frustrating, and you have to keep doing it over and over since they don't even rent most of the time, just add an "add all to cart" button under the specific chosen filters. You could then rent what you need instantly, no hassle, no issues.
blue berrr Almost 3 years ago
Filter for edition for the auto rental feature.
I'm trying to rent cp for a modern format tourney and i have to do it by hand which is super annoying. would be good to have the possibility to set auto rental with specific editions. would be also usefull to have regular auto renting and temporary auto rental.
Alexandre Eudier Almost 3 years ago
Filter for edition for the auto rental feature.
I'm trying to rent cp for a modern format tourney and i have to do it by hand which is super annoying. would be good to have the possibility to set auto rental with specific editions. would be also usefull to have regular auto renting and temporary auto rental.
Alexandre Eudier Almost 3 years ago
List/market price filters for My cards section
I would like to be able to filter view (in my cards) the highest value and lowest value cards in my collection. I would like to add a list and or market value filter along with listed price, status etc
Yoni Kalin Almost 3 years ago
List/market price filters for My cards section
I would like to be able to filter view (in my cards) the highest value and lowest value cards in my collection. I would like to add a list and or market value filter along with listed price, status etc
Yoni Kalin Almost 3 years ago
Show current lowest market price when Update Cards Listing
so I can update price with the current lowest market price info. Currently I have to check manually
HanV Almost 3 years ago
Show current lowest market price when Update Cards Listing
so I can update price with the current lowest market price info. Currently I have to check manually
HanV Almost 3 years ago
Show current lowest market price before type price when sell card
To see the current lowest market price, I have to type the price first
HanV Almost 3 years ago
Show current lowest market price before type price when sell card
To see the current lowest market price, I have to type the price first
HanV Almost 3 years ago
Edit Rental Bid Price
I can't update Rental Bid price on my profile page unlike Purchase Bid. It's inconvenience that delete bid and create new bid to edit the price.
HanV Almost 3 years ago
Edit Rental Bid Price
I can't update Rental Bid price on my profile page unlike Purchase Bid. It's inconvenience that delete bid and create new bid to edit the price.
HanV Almost 3 years ago
Add a button to control my rental bids in My Cards list
Whenever I want to edit a specific card's rental bid I have to go to my Profile, search for the name of the card and edit it. Or I can go to the Rent tab and search for that card. If a button was added to the My Cards list we could edit our rental bids directly from that list.
Miguel Rocha Almost 3 years ago
Add a button to control my rental bids in My Cards list
Whenever I want to edit a specific card's rental bid I have to go to my Profile, search for the name of the card and edit it. Or I can go to the Rent tab and search for that card. If a button was added to the My Cards list we could edit our rental bids directly from that list.
Miguel Rocha Almost 3 years ago
Collection Power Rental will auto rent based on user CP
Current CP rental will follow CP range setup by user. My suggestion that can CP rental lookup user CP at that time then rent the card to meet desired max CP Reason : User also have bid rental by card which by time price will be higher and bid will not fulfilled. Thus this missing CP will able to cover by CP rental without overspend. Example : Max CP user need is 5000 User CP is 3920 include bid rental by card which all fulfilled. If using current CP rental user set to 1100 - 1200 CP to get 5000 but if bid rental cannot fulfilled those 1100 - 1200 setting no enough to get 5000 CP. Thank you
Ruzaini Subri Almost 3 years ago
Collection Power Rental will auto rent based on user CP
Current CP rental will follow CP range setup by user. My suggestion that can CP rental lookup user CP at that time then rent the card to meet desired max CP Reason : User also have bid rental by card which by time price will be higher and bid will not fulfilled. Thus this missing CP will able to cover by CP rental without overspend. Example : Max CP user need is 5000 User CP is 3920 include bid rental by card which all fulfilled. If using current CP rental user set to 1100 - 1200 CP to get 5000 but if bid rental cannot fulfilled those 1100 - 1200 setting no enough to get 5000 CP. Thank you
Ruzaini Subri Almost 3 years ago
When an owner cancels a rented card, the card shows up in the renter's Rental History
Is there any way to get the rentals cancelled by the owner to show on the renter's Rental History list? It seems that only the rentals cancelled by me (the renter) appear on my Rental History with the Status Ended. I would like to see all of the rentals cancelled on me by the owners on that list, if possible. Thanks for considering this :)
An Anonymous User Almost 3 years ago
When an owner cancels a rented card, the card shows up in the renter's Rental History
Is there any way to get the rentals cancelled by the owner to show on the renter's Rental History list? It seems that only the rentals cancelled by me (the renter) appear on my Rental History with the Status Ended. I would like to see all of the rentals cancelled on me by the owners on that list, if possible. Thanks for considering this :)
An Anonymous User Almost 3 years ago